Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Me Love Costumes

Dear Audrey,

We really got into costumes around here with Halloween. My mommy made me an Elmo & a Cookie Monster mask just for fun. I think she felt bad that my costume was so simple, but what can you do? Curious George is just not a very detailed costume. We'll post Halloween pictures in a bit. I hear you were a witch, and your mommy made everything, please post pictures and details soon!!

1. Paper templates...this is Elmo, but I used the same pieces for Cookie (just added a few more bumps & made the eyes smaller)
 2. Here are the felt pieces, just glue them together! I used stiff felt for the face shape & the eyes.
3. Grandma Susie thought it would be better if they were on popsicle sticks so that I could be in control and so that I wouldn't get mad when my mom tied the mask to my face! Thanks Grandma Susie.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post George we love Elmo and Cookie Monster!
